Don’t Marry An Unworthy Man

Don’t Marry An Unworthy Man

Many women dream of getting married. When we are deeply in love, it seems to us we’ve met an ideal partner. Or perhaps, we hope that we will be able to change him after marriage. Yet, to be on the safe side, Lori Peters suggests that before saying “Yes,” we check if our man’s behavior corresponds to a set of necessary traits of a worthy husband.    

Is he a worthy partner?

He can discuss everything with you

If he avoids difficult questions, forget about him. If you communicate little or barely understand each other, sooner or later you will be disappointed. The fact is that life is full of pleasant and terrible moments, and no one wants to go through the black streak alone. You are together to support each other and solve problems together. Discuss this with your potential husband and give him some time to see if he changes. If he doesn’t change, find another man, more open, mature and cold-blooded online dating. Choose someone who knows the problem cannot be solved by avoiding it. 

He is always by your side in a difficult moment

How does he behave when hardship comes? Does he disappear telling you that you need to take a break? Does he come back when you’ve coped with all the difficulties? It’s definitely a warning sign. If he isn’t with you when you need him the most, he isn’t ready for marriage. Should there arise any difficulty in your way, see how he reacts. If you don’t like his behavior, talk about this. How would he react? Would he change his behavior in case new problems arise? The way people behave in difficult situations tells a lot about their character.   

He helps you to solve your problems

Always, not from time to time. Does he support you when necessary? Even if you are physically far away, he has to make sure you are fine. If he doesn’t do this, be alert. However, don’t create a mountain out of a molehill if he is occupied with work or children, for instance. You have to be one of his two priorities. Otherwise, don’t marry him.

He is kind to women

Pay attention to the way he treats other women, his mother or sister. Try to notice how kind and respectful he is of women in general. If his behavior irritates you, it’s a bad sign. He will treat you the same way. If it isn’t so, he is pretending. Don’t fall victim to this illusion.

You have common views on life priorities

Sure, you have many things to discuss with your potential husband. But if you intend to get married, a conversation on the abovementioned topic is unavoidable. Do your wishes coincide? If not, can you find a compromise that will satisfy both? If he doesn’t want to discuss these things now or if you can’t find a mutual decision right now, what is awaiting you in the future?

Without a doubt, it’s very difficult to think about such things when you are in love with a man. You cannot imagine yourself with another person, but in the future, you will want to lead a life meant for you. This moment will inevitably come. If your man can’t or doesn’t want to be a person you need by your side, find the one who can or wants.      

Your ethical and moral values coincide

All your beliefs shouldn’t necessarily completely coincide, but you have to share his values, at least. Do you have the same ethical and moral values? Quite probably, he won’t change if he doesn’t want. The point is that we grow up with a definite set of standards we stick to throughout our life. As a rule, they can’t be changed. If your values differ, and he isn’t ready to change yours, your relationship is doomed.

He is preparing for a common financial future

If you are incredibly wealthy or you’ve both agreed on the fact that he will stay at home with a child while you are providing for a family, it’s great. Otherwise, he will be the one to provide. Financial problems are one of the main reasons why couples divorce. Sure, you are blindly in love now. But would you both be able to lead a life you want? Is he getting ready for this? Is he working on this? If not, this is another red flag.

He keeps his promises

Does he say “I will come,” and you have to wait for him for hours? Or “Don’t worry, I’ll pay?” Talk is cheap, remember that. Not only his words but also actions have to prove that your relationship is his top priority. Deep inside you know the truth, but you don’t want to admit it.   

He is psychologically stable

This point seems so natural, yet, we often overlook it. Is he working on himself and trying to become a better version of himself? Or does he only verbally admit his mistakes while his behavior proves the opposite? A broken person isn’t meant for marriage. He has to precisely know what he wants from life, you, and other people. Imagine your man in five or ten years. You don’t want to carry a double burden, do you?  

He says he loves you and shows that

If this isn’t the case, admit this fact, and don’t look for excuses. If he can’t say now that he loves you and prove that with his actions, imagine what will happen further. People who aren’t able to express their feelings need help to analyze their life. Give him time and space to do that. Then see if you are compatible. A woman who doesn’t feel she is desired deserves pity. You don’t want to be a victim of compassion, do you?

Marrying a person is one of the most important decisions we make. As a matter of fact, you already know if he would be a nice husband. It’s up to you to decide. Create a life you want. Love is invincible until you both are ready to travel together.

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